Frequently asked questions about holiday in Mechelen
Where is the best place to stay in Mechelen?

The best place to stay in Mechelen is at the Hotel De Draak, centrally located and close to some of the city's top attractions.

What kind of activities can I do while on holiday in Mechelen?

There are plenty of activities to do in Mechelen, including sightseeing, shopping, biking, visiting museums, and exploring the local culture.

What types of cuisine can I find in Mechelen?

Mechelen is known for its traditional Dutch cuisine, with plenty of restaurants offering dishes such as poffertjes (small pancakes), stamppot (potato and vegetables), and Dutch-style waffles. Additionally, the city is home to plenty of international restaurants serving dishes from around the world.

Are there any nearby tourist attractions to visit while in Mechelen?

Yes, there are several popular attractions close to Mechelen, including the Grote Markt, St. Rumbold's Cathedral, and the Begijnenwandeling.


Are there any holiday homes to stay in Mechelen?

Plenty of holiday homes are available to rent in Mechelen, ranging from small apartments to larger villas.

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Average rating of 4+
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