Frequently asked questions about holiday in Mayrhofen
What are the best activities to do in Mayrhofen, Austria?

Mayrhofen offers a variety of activities for all ages and interests, including skiing, snowboarding, hiking, mountain biking, paragliding, and scenic gondola rides.

What kind of holiday accommodation is available in Mayrhofen?

Mayrhofen offers a variety of holiday accommodation options, ranging from traditional chalets, apartments, and hotels to luxury villas and private holiday homes.

What is the best time of year to visit Mayrhofen?

Peak season months in Mayrhofen are December through April, when the ski season is in full swing. However, the area also offers a range of activities during the summer months, making June through August an excellent time to visit.

What are the dining options in Mayrhofen?

Mayrhofen is known for its traditional Tyrolean cuisine, which can be found in local restaurants, pubs, and cafes throughout the area. There is also a range of international cuisine available in the area.

Is Mayrhofen suitable for families?

Yes, Mayrhofen is a great choice for families as it offers a wide range of activities for both kids and adults alike. There are many family-friendly holiday accommodation options available too.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020