Frequently asked questions about holiday in Bastenaken
What are the best places to stay in Bastenaken?

The best places to stay in Bastenaken are the Hotel Les Myrtilles, the Hotel Les Ardennes, the Zannier Hotel Le Roannay, and the Eurotel Bastenaken-Valkenburg.




What activities can I do in Bastenaken?

There are a variety of activities to do in Bastenaken, including mountain biking, bike excursions, golf, spa and wellness experiences, kayaking, and more.

What is the best time to visit Bastenaken?

The best time to visit Bastenaken is in the summer months from April to September.

Are there any places to go for shopping in Bastenaken?

There are a variety of shopping options in Bastenaken, with numerous stores in the city centre and the nearby towns of Valkenburg and Maastricht.

Are there any holiday homes available in Bastenaken?

Yes, there are a variety of holiday homes available to rent in Bastenaken, depending on your budget and preferences.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020