Frequently asked questions about holiday in Brasschaat
Where is Brasschaat located?

Brasschaat is located in the province of Antwerp in Belgium.

What types of holiday homes are available in Brasschaat?

Holiday homes in Brasschaat range from luxurious villas to comfortable apartments.

How far away is Brasschaat from other major attractions?

Major attractions in and around Brasschaat include the historic city of Antwerp, which is about 25 km away, and the North Sea coast, which is about 40 km away.

What activities can be enjoyed in Brasschaat?

In Brasschaat, visitors can enjoy walking in the parks and forests, cycling, and visiting the local villages and attractions.

Are there any special events in Brasschaat during the holiday season?

Yes, during the holiday season, Brasschaat hosts several events such as Christmas markets, New Year's Eve fireworks displays, and cultural events.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020