Frequently asked questions about holiday in Brugge
What is the best time to visit Brugge?

The best time to visit Brugge is between April and October when the weather is milder, and there are plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy.

What are the most popular tourist attractions in Brugge?

The most popular tourist attractions in Brugge include the historic city center, the Belfry of Bruges, the Groeningemuseum, the Basilica of the Holy Blood, and Saint Walburga's Church.

Are there any holiday homes available to rent in Brugge?

Yes, there are a variety of holiday homes available to rent in Brugge. From luxury apartments to quaint cottages, you can find a holiday home to suit your needs.

Is it possible to do day trips from Brugge?

Yes, many visitors to Brugge take day trips to nearby cities like Gent and Antwerp or visit nearby attractions like the North Sea Coast.

What are some of the best restaurants in Brugge?

Some of the best restaurants in Brugge include Il Campanile, Het Elfde Gebod, La Cantine, and Le Trappiste.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020