Frequently asked questions about holiday in Butgenbach
Where is Butgenbach located in Belgium?

Butgenbach is located in the high Fens region of eastern Belgium, in the province of Liege.

What activities are available around Butgenbach?

Butgenbach and the surrounding area provide a variety of activities for visitors, such as hiking, biking, kayaking, swimming, and boat trips, as well as cultural and historical attractions.

Are there holiday homes available in Butgenbach?

Yes, there are many holiday homes available in Butgenbach, ranging from smaller apartments to larger villas.

How close is the nearest airport to Butgenbach?

The nearest airport to Butgenbach is Maastricht Aachen Airport, located approximately 85 km away.

Are there restaurants and shops in Butgenbach?

Yes, Butgenbach offers a range of restaurants, cafes, and shops.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020