Frequently asked questions about holiday in Ciney
Where is Ciney, Belgium?

Ciney is a town situated in the province of Namur in Wallonia, Belgium.






What attractions are there to visit in Ciney?

Ciney has many attractions for visitors to explore, including the Ciney Castle, the Notre Dame de Graces Church, and the Meuse Valley Natural Park.

What kind of holiday homes are available in Ciney?

There are a variety of holiday homes available to rent in Ciney, ranging from charming traditional cottages to modern apartments.

What activities can be done in Ciney?

Ciney has a range of activities to enjoy, such as taking a guided tour of the town, cycling along the Meuse Valley Natural Park, and visiting the local markets.

Are there any restaurants or pubs near holiday homes in Ciney?

Yes, there are many restaurants, cafes, and pubs near holiday homes in Ciney.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020