Frequently asked questions about holiday in Maasmechelen
What are the best holiday activities in Maasmechelen?

Maasmechelen offers a variety of activities for visitors including shopping at the Maasmechelen Village Outlet Shopping Center, exploring the nearby countryside, visiting the Maasmechelen Zoo, and canoeing and swimming on the Meuse River

What are the top attractions in Maasmechelen?

The top attractions in Maasmechelen include the Maasmechelen Village Outlet Shopping Center, Maasmechelen Zoo, the Meuse River, and the nearby Kalmthoutse Heide nature reserve.

What kind of accommodation is available in Maasmechelen?

Maasmechelen has a wide range of accommodation options. Visitors can stay in hotels, holiday homes, bed & breakfasts, and camping sites.

What type of food can I find in Maasmechelen?

Maasmechelen offers a diverse range of local and international cuisines. Visitors can find traditional Belgian dishes, Italian food, Chinese food, and more.

What is the best way to get to Maasmechelen?

The best way to get to Maasmechelen is by car. The city is located on the E313 highway, which connects it to the nearby cities of Hasselt and Genk.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020