Frequently asked questions about holiday in Biarritz
What activities can visitors do in Biarritz?

Visitors to Biarritz can enjoy a wide range of activities, including surfing and other water sports on the beach, golf, hiking and biking trails, cultural tours and visits to historic sites, and modern attractions such as the local casino and nightlife.

What is the climate like in Biarritz?

Biarritz enjoys a mild, Mediterranean-like climate, with mild temperatures year-round and an average of around 300 days of sunshine per year. Winters are mild and rainy, while summers are hot and dry.

Where can visitors find holiday homes in Biarritz?

Holiday homes in Biarritz can be found in a variety of locations ranging from town centres and beachfronts to rural areas and mountainside villas.

What is the best time of year to visit Biarritz?

The best time to visit Biarritz is from late May to mid-July and from early September to mid-October when temperatures are mild and the beaches are less crowded.

What is the cost of accommodation in Biarritz?

The cost of accommodation in Biarritz varies greatly depending on the type of accommodation, location, amenities and seasonality. Generally, accommodation in the city centre is more expensive than in rural areas, and peak season months can be more expensive than other times of the year.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020