Frequently asked questions about holiday in Chamonix
What type of holiday accommodation is available in Chamonix?

Chamonix offers a variety of holiday accommodation options including hotels, apartments, chalets, and campsites.

What activities can be done in Chamonix?

Chamonix offers a wide range of activities such as skiing, snowboarding, hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, and paragliding.

What are the best months to visit Chamonix?

The best months to visit Chamonix are from December to April for ski season, and from May to October for hiking and other outdoor activities.

What is the best way to get to Chamonix?

The best way to get to Chamonix is by car, train, or bus.

What is the language spoken in Chamonix?

The language spoken in Chamonix is French.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020