Frequently asked questions about holiday in Saint Malo
What are the must-see attractions in Saint-Malo, France?

Popular attractions in Saint-Malo, France include the St. Malo Citadel, Grand Bé Island, Cathedrale Saint-Vincent, Solidor Tower, and the Grand Aquarium.

What type of accommodation is available in Saint-Malo, France?

Accommodation options in Saint-Malo, France include hotels, holiday homes, camping sites, and B&Bs.

What is the best time to visit Saint-Malo, France?

The best time to visit Saint-Malo, France is during the summer months, from June to August, when temperatures are typically pleasant.

What kind of restaurants are there in Saint-Malo, France?

Saint-Malo, France is home to a variety of restaurants, including seafood restaurants, French bistros, Italian trattorias, and traditional creperies.


Is there any shopping nearby in Saint-Malo, France?

Yes, Saint-Malo, France offers plenty of shopping opportunities, with a selection of boutiques and souvenir shops located in the town centre.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020