Answers to common questions about Apartment Island of Poel
When is the best time to visit Insel Poel?

Summer is the best time to visit Insel Poel, with warm temperatures and plenty of outdoor activities.

What are the best ways to get around Insel Poel?

Walking or cycling are popular ways to explore the island, or you can rent a car for more flexibility.

What types of accommodation does Belvilla offer in Insel Poel?

Belvilla offers a range of holiday homes on the island, including apartments, pet-friendly options, and homes with swimming pools or near the sea.

What activities can be enjoyed in Insel Poel?

There are many outdoor activities to enjoy on the island, such as hiking, cycling, swimming, and beachcombing. You can also visit historical sites like the lighthouse or the old church.

What is the local cuisine like in Insel Poel?

Fresh seafood is a staple of the local cuisine and traditional German dishes like schnitzel and sausages. Be sure to try some of the region's famous smoked fish!

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020