Frequently asked questions about holiday in Appelscha
What are the popular attractions in Appelscha?

Popular attractions in Appelscha include the Dutch Friesland Lakes, the De Beukenhof Recreational Park, the 't Haantje Nature Reserve, the Appelscha Golf Club, and the Appeler Diep canal.

What type of holiday homes are available in Appelscha?

Appelscha offers holiday homes in various styles, including beach cottages, villas, and apartments.

How close is Appelscha to other popular cities in the Netherlands?

Appelscha is located close to some popular cities in the Netherlands, including Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Utrecht, which are all within a two-hour drive of Appelscha.

What is the best way to get around Appelscha?

The best way to get around Appelscha is by car, bike, or bus.

Are there any shopping and dining options in Appelscha?

Yes, there are several shopping and dining options in Appelscha, including supermarkets, cafes, and restaurants.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020