Rent a house in Leeuwarden: faqs answered
What is the best time to visit Leeuwarden for a vacation home rental?

The ideal time to rent a house in Leeuwarden is from June to August, when the weather is warm and sunny.

What are some of the best ways to get around Leeuwarden from your vacation home?

You can rent a bike, take a taxi or use public transport, which is easily accessible from our Holiday Homes in Leeuwarden.

What types of accommodation can I expect to find with Belvilla in Leeuwarden for my vacation rental?

Our Vacation Homes in Leeuwarden range from cozy apartments to luxurious villas with features like On the Park, Pet Friendly, Swimming Pool and By the Sea options.


What activities are available in the region while staying at one of your holiday homes?

Discover the city's rich history with a walking tour, explore local museums or take a boat trip along the famous canals while enjoying your stay at one of our Holiday homes in Leeuwarden.

Can you recommend some local cuisine that I must try while staying in one of Belvilla's vacation rentals in Leeuwarden?

Don't miss out on trying the famous Fryske dúmkes (Frisian cookies), traditional stews and dishes made with fresh seafood during your stay at one of our Holiday Homes in Leeuwarden.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020