Frequently asked questions about holiday in Begur
What is the best time to visit Begur?

The best time to visit Begur is between May and October, when temperatures are warm and the beach is perfect for swimming.


What activities can I do in Begur?

Begur offers a wide variety of activities, including swimming, fishing, diving, kayaking, horseback riding, and cycling. There are also many cultural sites to explore, such as the castle, churches and the old town.

Are there any holiday homes in Begur?

Yes, there are many holiday homes available in Begur. These range from luxury villas to more affordable apartments and studios, so you can find something to suit all budgets.

How much does a holiday in Begur cost?

The cost of a holiday in Begur will depend on the type of accommodation you choose, as well as the time of year you go and other activities you plan to do. Generally, prices range from around €50-€150 per night, depending on the size and quality of the accommodation.


Is there good public transportation in Begur?

Yes, there is a good public transportation network in Begur. There are buses, taxis, and bike rental services available, so you should have no problem getting around the city.

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