Frequently asked questions about holiday in Benissa
What type of holiday homes are available in Benissa, Spain?

Benissa, Spain, offers a variety of holiday homes ranging from villas to apartments and more.

What attractions are there in Benissa, Spain?

Benissa is known for its diverse culture, endless beaches, and historical monuments. There are many attractions to explore such as Calpe's aquarium, the historic Benissa Tower, and the Santa Clara Monastery.

Are there any activities suitable for families in Benissa, Spain?

Benissa has plenty of activities to offer families. From a day of shopping to a beach adventure to a relaxing boat ride, there is something for everyone.

What is the climate like in Benissa, Spain?

Benissa has a hot and dry Mediterranean climate. Summers are long, hot, and dry, and winters are mild and wet.


Are there any restaurants or bars in Benissa, Spain?

Yes, there are a variety of delicious restaurants and lively bars for visitors to enjoy in Benissa. So whether you are looking for a traditional Spanish meal or a fun night out, there is something for everyone.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020