Frequently asked questions about holiday in Calonge
What type of holiday home options are available in Calonge, Spain?

There are a variety of holiday home options available in Calonge, Spain ranging from villas, apartments, cottages, chalets, and holiday parks.

What amenities can I expect to find in the holiday homes?

Amenities vary depending on the holiday home chosen but usually include a fully-equipped kitchen, air conditioning, swimming pool, Wi-Fi, laundry facilities, and a private garden.

How much does it cost to stay in a holiday home in Calonge, Spain?

The cost of staying in a holiday home in Calonge, Spain varies depending on the size, location, and amenities of the property. However, most holiday homes have competitive rates compared to hotels in the area.

Is it possible to rent a holiday home on a short-term basis in Calonge, Spain?

Yes, it is possible to rent a holiday home on a short-term basis in Calonge, Spain. Many owners offer special rates for stays of more than a week.

Are there any activities or attractions near Calonge, Spain?

Yes, there are plenty of activities and attractions near Calonge, Spain. Popular attractions include the nearby beaches, Torre del Mar National Park, hiking trails, golf courses, and a variety of restaurants and shops.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020