Frequently asked questions about holiday in Lloret de Mar
What are the best attractions to experience in Lloret de Mar?

Popular attractions in Lloret de Mar include Lloret Beach, the Water World Waterpark, Marineland, the Santa Clotilde Gardens and the castle of Sant Joan.

Are there any recommended activities to do in Lloret de Mar?

Some of the major activities in Lloret de Mar include sailing, para-sailing, snorkelling, diving, biking, horseback riding, ATV tours, and zip-lining.

What type of accommodation can I find in Lloret de Mar?

Lloret de Mar offers a variety of accommodation options, such as hotels, apartments, villas, and holiday homes.

Are there any restaurants and bars in Lloret de Mar?

Lloret de Mar is home to many restaurants and bars, offering a variety of international and traditional Spanish dishes.

Are there any shopping opportunities in Lloret de Mar?

There are numerous shopping opportunities in Lloret de Mar, ranging from small souvenir shops to larger stores and boutiques.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020