Frequently asked questions about holiday in Orihuela
How can I find a suitable holiday home in Orihuela?

You can search for holiday homes in Orihuela using a variety of online booking websites such as or Airbnb, or by contacting a local real estate agency.


What kind of activities are available in Orihuela?

There is something for everyone in Orihuela! Popular activities include beach activities such as swimming and sunbathing, outdoor activities such as hiking and cycling, as well as cultural and historical sightseeing in the city.

Are there any special attractions nearby?

Yes! Orihuela is located near the popular tourist destination of Alicante, which is home to the castle of Santa Barbara, the beautiful beaches of El Altet and La Mata, and the iconic shopping centre of La Zenia Boulevard.

What type of cuisine is available in restaurants near Orihuela?

Orihuela is a melting pot of cultures and cuisines, with traditional Valencian and Spanish dishes alongside Mediterranean, Asian, and international fare.

Are there any public transportation options in Orihuela?

Yes, there are public transportation options available in Orihuela, including buses and trams.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020