Frequently asked questions about holiday in Maaseik
What kind of holiday homes are available in Maaseik, Belgium?

Maaseik, Belgium offers a variety of holiday homes, including traditional self-catering cottages, rentals and apartments, luxury villas, and chalets.




What attractions are nearby Maaseik, Belgium?

Popular attractions near Maaseik, Belgium include the Bokrijk Open Air Museum, the historic city center of Hasselt, the Basilica of Our Lady, and the nearby Hoge Kempen National Park.

What activities can visitors enjoy in Maaseik?

Visitors to Maaseik can enjoy a range of activities from walking and cycling to visiting the various museums and galleries and sampling the local cuisine.

What is the best time of the year to visit Maaseik, Belgium?

The best time to visit Maaseik, Belgium is generally during the summer months from June to August when the weather is typically sunny and warm.

What kind of restaurants are available near Maaseik, Belgium?

Maaseik, Belgium is home to a wealth of restaurants, ranging from traditional Belgian cuisine restaurants to international restaurants offering cuisines such as Italian, Mediterranean, and Asian.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020