When is the best time to visit Passau?

The best time to visit Passau is from May to September when the weather is mild and perfect for outdoor activities.

What are the best ways to get around Passau?

The best ways to get around Passau include walking, biking, or taking public transportation like buses and trains.

What types of accommodation does Belvilla offer in Passau?

Belvilla offers a variety of accommodation options in Passau including cozy holiday homes, pet-friendly apartments, and those with access to ski areas and swimming pools.

What activities can you enjoy in the region?

The region offers an array of activities like hiking, cycling, skiing or exploring picturesque towns like Hauzenberg and Wegscheid.

What is the local cuisine in Passau?

Passau's cuisine boasts a rich blend of Bavarian and Austrian influences featuring dishes like schnitzel, dumplings, and local beer. Don't forget to try the famous Passauer Glühwein - a spiced red wine served warm during winter months.

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Average rating of 4+
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2.8 million guests in 2020