Frequently asked questions about holiday in San Remo
What is the best time of year to visit San Remo?

May to September is the best time to visit San Remo when the weather is mild, and the beach is ideal for swimming.

What are the main tourist attractions in San Remo?

The main tourist attractions in San Remo include beautiful beaches, vibrant markets, scenic trails, the Mediterranean coastline, and luxurious resorts.

Is there good public transportation in San Remo?

San Remo has an excellent public transportation system, with trains and buses running regularly throughout the city and surrounding areas.

Are there any holiday homes available for rent in San Remo?

Yes, there are several holiday homes available for rent in San Remo with a wide range of amenities and features to suit different tastes and budgets.

What type of cuisine can be found in San Remo?

San Remo is home to a wide variety of cuisine, including traditional Italian dishes, Mediterranean-style seafood, and international flavors.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020