Frequently asked questions about holiday in Apeldoorn
What are the closest airports to Apeldoorn?

The closest airports to Apeldoorn are Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS), Eindhoven Airport (EIN), and Weeze Airport (NRN).

What are the best places to stay for a holiday in Apeldoorn?

Popular holiday home options in Apeldoorn include luxury villas, apartments, and cottages.

What kind of activities can you do in Apeldoorn?

Activities in Apeldoorn include visiting the Apeldoorn Palace and its surrounding gardens, shopping at Apeldoorn's city centre, and enjoying its many parks and nature reserves.

Are there any museums in Apeldoorn?

Yes, there are several museums in Apeldoorn, such as the Apeldoorn Museum, the Hermitage Museum, and the CODA Museum.

What kind of food is available in Apeldoorn?

Apeldoorn has a variety of restaurants offering local dishes as well as international cuisines. Popular local dishes include stamppot, stroopwafel, and poffertjes.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020