Frequently asked questions about holiday in Zierikzee
Where is Zierikzee located?

Zierikzee is located in the province of Zeeland in the southern Netherlands

What kind of activities can I do while on holiday in Zierikzee?

A variety of activities can be enjoyed while on holiday in Zierikzee, such as exploring its historic city center, enjoying the city’s picturesque canals, visiting nearby beaches and nature reserves, and taking part in a range of water sports.

Are there holiday homes available in Zierikzee?

Yes, there is a range of self-catering holiday homes available to rent in Zierikzee.

What is the best time of year to visit Zierikzee?

The best time to visit Zierikzee is during the summer months when the days are long, and the weather is warm

What is the best way to get to Zierikzee from Netherlands?

The best way to get to Zierikzee from Netherlands is by car, as it is easy to reach by road with good access from major cities such as Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and The Hague

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020