Frequently asked questions about holiday in Adeje
Where is Adeje located?

Adeje is located on the sunny southwest coast of Tenerife, one of the Canary Islands in Spain.

What kind of holiday experiences can I expect in Adeje?

Adeje offers a diverse array of holiday experiences, from relaxing beach days to exciting activities such as water sports, hiking, and horseback riding. There are also many cultural attractions and historic sites to explore.

Are there any holiday homes in Adeje?

Yes, there are a number of holiday homes available in the city so you can find options ranging from luxury villas to holiday cottages in Adeje.

What is the climate like in Adeje?

Adeje enjoys a warm, subtropical climate year-round, with temperatures rarely dipping below 20°C and reaching highs of 30°C in the summer months.

Are there any special events taking place in Adeje during my holiday?

Yes, there are many special events and festivals in Adeje throughout the year. Check the town's official website for more information.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020