Apartment Palma de Mallorca: Common Questions
When is the best time to visit Palma de Mallorca?

The ideal time for a vacation in Palma de Mallorca is from May to October when the weather is warm and sunny.

What are the best ways to get around Palma de Mallorca?

The easiest and most convenient way to explore Palma de Mallorca is by renting a car or by using public transportation. Book your holiday home in Palma de Mallorca near the city center for easy access to public transport. 

What types of accommodation does Belvilla offer in Palma de Mallorca?

Belvilla offers many accommodation options, including apartments in Palma de Mallorca, villas, and pet-friendly homes. You can also choose from various holiday homes in Palma de Mallorca.

What activities can be enjoyed in Palma de Mallorca?

Palma de Mallorca has something for everyone, including snorkeling, cycling, hiking, and exploring historic sites like the Cathedral of Santa Maria. 

What local cuisine should I try while in Palma de Mallorca?

Palma de Mallorca's cuisine is heavily influenced by Mediterranean flavors, with dishes such as paella, ensaimadas, and sobrasada being must-try specialties.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020