Long car journeys can be incredibly boring – especially for your little ones. They can’t wait to reach their Belvilla holiday home, so they need something to take away the boredom.
Smartphones and Tablets are all very well, but they isolate kids. What you want are some in-car games in which the whole family can participate. So, we’ve come up with some classics.
1. I’m going on a trip, and I’m taking…
This game is more suitable and fun for older children and trains their memories. It also comes in handy when checking whether you have forgotten anything. The target of this game is to add objects to the phrase “I’m going on a trip and taking with me…”, making it more and more difficult to remember everything. If someone gets it wrong, they’re out!

2. Vocabulary
Not only is this car game fun, but it is also an educational activity for younger kids. You can point out things you see on the road and ask your children to name a word that rhymes with it. The word can be a synonym or an antonym, or a word starting with the same letter.
You can do this with all kinds of subjects: animals, food, or place names. For example, when someone says “dog,” the next person might say “pooch” or “hound” or “Dachshund.” The one who can’t come up with a word loses and has to choose the next category or word.

3. Who am I?
What could be more fun than guessing who you are? If you want to play this, be sure to carry post-it notes and a pen in the car.
Who Am I? is a guessing game where the players use yes or no questions to identify the identity of the celebrity or famous person glued to their forehead. Each player has to guess who they are by asking the opposite player yes or no questions only. If the answer is yes, you are allowed to guess again. If it is ‘no’, it is the next person’s turn, and you have to wait for another round.

4. I spy with my little eye
I Spy With My Little Eye is a true classic. Anyone can participate in this super simple yet very entertaining game. Start with objects in the car and slowly progress to items outside the window.
For example, if a player chooses a fence, they can say: “I spy with my But make sure that the player can guess the object before it passes!

5. Counting
Counting objects is a fun game for younger kids especially. You name an object, for example, red cars, and then your child must try to count as many red cars as possible within a specific time limit. However, this in-car game is not so good if you’re caught in a traffic jam!

6. No, yes, no, no, no, uh
Have you ever tried to answer questions without being allowed to answer with yes, no, or uh? That is exactly the purpose of this in-car game! One person asks the other questions, and that person is not allowed to answer with these small words: no, yes, or uh.
If someone ends up mentioning the forbidden words or waits too long to answer, they’re done with their turn. If the question is answered correctly, the player who answers correctly gets to ask a question to someone else.

7. Language game
Choose one long word together and then try to come up with as many other words as possible with the letters in this word. This in-car game serves as a very fun and educational activity to do with younger, more inquisitive children.
For example, take the word ‘conversation. Here you can extract the words cone, core, site, vase, etc. The goal is to come up with as many words as possible!
Playing as many of these in-car games as you can will make your journey to your Belvilla holiday home go by in no time